They're off!

And these are my new Hawley retainers. I'll post a picture of my teeth with them on a little later. I wasn't able to choose the color, but I'm satisfied with this one. They sit pretty tight. They fit without any adjustments the first time they were put in.
Labels: retainers
Those retainers look great. Wear them as much as you can. I use retainer brite to keep mine clean after a nights sleep. Otherwise plaque builds up.
Check out for more information.
Thanks for your advice.
I wear my retainers every night.
I find that Polident Partials, which I can buy locally works as well to keep the retainers clean (it's good to use this instead of another denture cleaner because it specifically works for dental appliances with metal parts).
have you ever tracked which stars or stars' kids wear braces? I'm looking for a list of people. I have a new product for braces. Too bad you got yours off. your teeth look great!
No, I don't really care. Although it's fun to find out that someone is wearing braces, too, but not just stars, but any person I meet.
My braces were installed on Mar 13, 2009. I saw your progress and it gives me hope to endure the pain. The difference from your first post with the last is unbelievable! Congratulations on your new mouth; your teeth look absolutely great. I hope my treatment will be as successful as yours.
I am also documenting my progress like you have here.
Hey! I am getting braces soon and i am really scared, I am just scared that its gonna hurt realllyyy bad! Does it hurt? please contact me!
P.S Check out my blog!!!
Wow, these are some huge appliances. Didn't know retainers are so huge. Do you feel them always in the mouth or can you forget you have them?
To xoxowillow:
Have you gotten your braces yet?
It's not scary, so you'll be ok. Sometimes the teeth hurt a bit after an adjustment, but only for a day or two. If it bothers you, you can take a pain reliever pill.
Yeah, bright green would be a cool color. You can see on my blog what colors I liked best for myself. Some orthodontists even let you get patterns of different colors.
To Kattjbraces:
Well, you kind of forget them. They don't seem like something that doesn't belong in the mouth. So, in fact, if I go to bed and forgot to put my retainers in, then I know that something is missing and I get up again and get them. They're not really huge, either, maybe they look so large because it's a close-up picture.
Any updates? Still wearing retainers?
Yes, of course I'm still wearing retainers at night. :) You're right, I should do an update. I've been meaning to do one for quite a while...
I'm 58 and just got braces. With braces in, my upper front teeth are hitting the bottom braces so I can't chew. Did you have a similar problem and if so, what did you eat?
Thank you for writing your blog as I find it extremely helpful.
you never showed us your final result
I had that same feeling when I got my braces off! I remember the first time that I actually went to a restaurant here in Anchorage AK after that. It was amazing food! I'm happy that you got yours off too :)
I didn't use braces or retainers, instead I used Ortho bands. Effective in closing or fixing teeth gaps. #orthofill
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